A story from Derek Shock

2015 July 25

Created by Joanne 9 years ago
Ed used to get work from Athena and Mick and I would help him out.
One such job was to build, on site, some card display stands in the Athena shop in Birmingham.

The shop was in the middle of a shopping centre which was shut for the night. We had found the main fuse board down a trapdoor on the ground floor. Ed had forgot to bring his extension lead and was taping two lengths of mains flex together when Mick said "you're doing that wrong" . Ed ignored him and switched on the power to the joined flex. FLASH BANG then total darkness and from the darkness from Mick "TOLD YER" It was hard not to laugh. From the darkness I heard Mick say "mind the trapdoor", he moved, I moved, we touched hands and fell through it together!

There was a period of shouting at Ed to stay where he was and much swearing. I thought I had broken my leg. All we could hear from the darkness was Mick crashing through the stock looking for the fuse board which he found. He reset the trip only to have it fail again because Ed had switched it back on when the lights came on!

Suddenly a voice from outside the shop said "who's in there I'll call the police". There's Ed saying "who the F%%k are you", "I'm the security guard"

I'm shouting "mind my leg" Mick's laughing whilst saying "you've just put my foot through another Rembrant"

We had to leave the shop. Ed and I slept in his van freezing cold. Mick did the wise thing, he went home and came back the next day!